Certified Translations for Overseas Education

Studying overseas at any age can be a fantastic experience.  Along with gaining access to the most outstanding educational standards in the world, studying abroad also means opening yourself up to an entirely new culture.  Not only this, but also the incredible career prospects and heightened employability that come with this kind of experience on your CV.

Unsurprisingly, the process of securing a spot with an overseas educator and relocating yourself for the duration of your studies involves a number of administrative challenges.  Not least of which is that of ensuring that you organize for certified translated copies of all key document to be produced and returned back to you, long before your departure date.

For obvious reasons, you will most likely need certified translations of your current educational documents, qualifications, accreditations and so on.  These are usually required during the application process itself, though may also be asked for at a later time.  In addition, the fact that you will be spending significant time in another country means you may also want to think about of taking certified translations of other important documents.  For example, most countries require fully certified translated birth certificates as a form of identification, while others may ask you to produce a translation of your driving licence, passport or other form of ID.

Another important document to consider having translated professionally is your CV.  Not only will doing so make it considerably easier for the recipient overseas to use and evaluate, but the fact that you have gone to the effort to have it translated in the first place will speak volumes for you personally.

It may also be wise to think about taking translated copies of your most recent (or most relevant) medical records, as you will need to set yourself up with a new doctor upon your arrival.  It may not be 100% necessary to source certified translations, but it is nonetheless preferable given the importance of the documents.  And of course, any references or recommendations you intend to use at any time to boost your profile must also be accurately translated.

Get in touch with Semiotic Transfer team today, for more information on certified translations of any kind.

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