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Certified Hungarian Translation – Specialized Agency

Uncommon language, a great number of cases, names back to front, 14 vowels, and flexible word order are just some of the features of the Hungarian language.

It seems that translating from and to Hungarian can be fairly tricky.

Truth be told, it can.

Certified Hungarian translation is no different. Many things need the expertise and knowledge of a certified translation company.

But that’s what we’re here for.

Let’s find out more about the certified Hungarian translation.

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Certified Hungarian Translation for All Document Types

No matter if you need to translate your marriage certificate, school diploma, work permit, driver’s license, or any other official document, the chances are you’re going to need a certified translation.

If the legal bodies don’t admit the language the original document is written in, they’ll need a translation. A certified translation serves as proof that what you stated or handed in is true.

That way, you can hand over your documents to the foreign entities without the fear that they will get rejected.

The certified Hungarian translation ensures that the translation is trustworthy and has legal power. Hence the stamp and signature of the certified translator.

The stamp and signature are the representation of the translator’s oath that the translation is done following constitutional requirements.

The localization of a variety of documents also means that the blueprint of the translation should match the original document as much as possible. Like making a copy, but in a different language.

Find out beforehand if your certified translator of choice has the skills required to do the certified translation by the highest standards.

ISO 17100 for certified Hungarian Translations

When talking about the highest standards in the industry, a good indicator is the ISO 17100 certificate.

What is an ISO 17100 certificate?
This certificate affirms that a translation service provider (TSP) shows the conformity of specified translation services to this International Standard. That TSP has developed adequate processes and resources to deliver a translation service that will meet the client’s and other applicable specifications.

Long story short, the TSP can provide exceptional translation meeting high industry standards.

Thanks to the open market, there are many options when hiring the (certified) translator. But not all of them are at the top of the game.

Make sure that the person you trust with your documents is reliable and professional.

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Certified Hungarian Translation With Native Translator

Did you know that Hungarian is one of the hardest languages to learn? It’s not surprising, considering that it isn’t in the same language family as the majority of the European languages. Fortunately, we know a few qualified native translators ready to help.

A linguist whose mother tongue is Hungarian knows the essence of the language. All the nooks and crannies. Far beyond things that are learned at university.

One more important aspect is the culture. A native translator is immersed in the culture of the target language. That is extremely valuable when needing to understand the context and cultural differences. And there are many of those when dealing with any type of translation.

A linguist who translates into his/her first language will bridge the cultural gap more easily. Staying close to the original text while adapting to the target's language culture and trends requires more than language expertise. It also implies an in-depth understanding of communication, customs and traditions in the target language.

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Translators and Reviewers From the Most Diverse Areas

Translation and localization don’t only require knowledge of the specific language. It also involves a good understanding and knowledge of different areas. Most translators specialize in a few different fields. By specializing in certain areas, the translator is always up-to-date with vocabulary, industry’s jargon, and changes that can affect the translation. The translator’s technological, methodological, and linguistic skills can hugely change the quality of the translation.

There are two more steps in the process of making a good translation. Editing and proofreading. A reviewer or a proof-reader is responsible for checking the translation after all the formatting is done. There should be no typos, no reference errors, no mistakes in localization and graphics. An editor makes sure that the quality of translation is on point. Most of the work the editor does is related to grammar and syntax. Except for that, that person will make additional checks to ensure the fidelity of the translation. This step is highly important since certified Hungarian translation has evidentiary power.

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Request Your Free Certified Hungarian Translation Quote

If you need your documents translated quickly and professionally, we’re here for you. Send us your request and we’ll make you an unbinding quote.

If you’re not sure about the process or want to know more info, just contact us via phone or email. Our accomplished team will answer all your questions.

When it comes to certified Hungarian translation, quality is key. Experienced, native translators, well-established processes and operation management, as well as ample knowledge database, make your translation impeccable.

Certified translation is a valuable tool when dealing with administration and admission of the documents. It can affect the outcome of your inquiry and cause more stress if not done properly. Don’t settle.

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